Perhaps no one will find this interesting besides me, but since I’ve been documenting so much of my marathon journey, I wanted to track the recovery period.
After the race my legs were obviously exhausted. Post-race endorphins made them feel useable though for a while. I swear I could walk better after the marathon than right after my 20 mile training run. As the day progressed, and I picked socializing over what I knew was the best post marathon routine, my legs got stiffer and stiffer. It was ok though, because I was happy! Tired, but happy!
Monday morning I woke up and there were no more post marathon endorphins. My legs were tired, sore, stiff, and tight! It hurt to get out of bed. Walking down the stairs was not fun. I had to hold on to the railing, and take it one step at a time. I felt like I was 90 years old. That evening we stopped by the mall to pick up some pants of Bennett’s that had gotten hemmed before going to get a massage, and Bennett was amused that I was happily walking at half my normal speed because my legs were so sore and stiff.
Although all my muscles were sore and stiff to some extent, my outer hip muscles were one of the most sore and stiff of all. They hurt while walking and while going up and down stairs. The muscles around my knees also hurt somewhat while going up and down the stairs. Maybe those two areas distracted me from my other muscles, because I only paid attention to their soreness from time to time.
Tuesday my legs felt better, but still stiff and sore, especially my outer hip muscles. I had to walk down an escalator at the metro and it was uncomfortable. I was still walking slower than normal, mainly because of my hip muscles. After work I made the mistake of trying to run down the stairs. That was not a good idea! I could feel it in all my muscles!
This morning was the first morning that I did not immediately feel stiff and sore when I got out of bed. I think my legs are finally getting back to normal. I did some yoga stretches today and that felt really good. I can tell my hamstrings have loosened up because I could get my hands flat on the floor in forward bend.
I’m contemplating a 2-3 mile run tomorrow, and I’m hoping my legs will be up for it! This no running thing is getting old!