Yesterday was hot and humid! Eleisha and I planned to run 8 miles together. Knowing that it was going to be very summer like, we thought we’d run on the early side and meet at 7:30. Wow did we both under estimate our lack of adjustment to summer running. It was miserable!
Both of us have been running inside a lot lately, and somehow I remembered more shade on the Mt. Vernon trail. These facts combined to a not so fun run of just over 7 miles. It’s amazing how the weather can make a distance that should be very manageable into miles of torture! We were both so hot by the end we wanted to die. Oh and there was definitely some walking thrown in to the mix… It was definitely a day that I missed having my inhaler to take before I run, as I was definitely wheezing. It showed me though, by how little I was wheezing, how far my fitness has come over the past few years, even in my less than ideal fit state at the moment.
At the same time, Bennett took Ian for his first walk in the stroller. He doesn’t have the head control yet for running, but we thought it would be nice for Bennett to get some exercise and Ian to get use to his stroller while I ran. Apparently they had lots of fun, and Ian liked watching the cars go by on the road. One thing we will have to figure out is how to keep the sun off his legs without overheating him because the sun shade on the stroller only blocks the sun from part of him.