Thursday, July 4, 2013

The first week back at work

My first day back to work was June 24.  While I really hate being back, I’m loving being back part time and with 2 telework days!

Having done fabulous at reaching my pre-work goals, I failed miserably at running my first week back at work.  I ran all of twice.  I did not lift, and I did not do any core exercises.  Pretty bad!  I guess if I’m going to have a terrible running week, my first week back at work is an understandable week to do it. 

I think I might have to rethink my running and non-running days though.  I don’t know how realistic it is to plan to run on days I’m actually in the office.  To have time to get ready, feed Ian, and eat breakfast, I’d have to get up around 5:40am, and by the time I get home, all I want to do is play with Ian.  Luckily I am only in the office 2 days a week.  I might try my running days as Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  Fitting in a run on days I work from home is so much easier.

Running goals

I had 4 goals to accomplish before going back to work.  Happily, I accomplished 3 of them and was very close on the 4th.
1.       Run a 10 mile long run.  I actually got in 2
2.       Reach a weekly mileage of 30 miles.  I did this the week before going back to work
3.       Hold a plank for 90 seconds.  I also snuck this in the week before going back to work
4.       Be within 3lbs of my prepregnancy weight.  I did not manage this one, but I did get within 4lbs so not bad.