Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The stupid evil 10 mile run

This entry is about last Saturday’s run

So after the great 13 mile long run, I was very confident that 10 miles would be nothing!  I guess I had gotten too confident in my training, and it was time to be reminded that running isn’t always fun. 
Saturday was humid because the storm was on its way.  The temperature was actually really nice, but the air was oppressive.  I woke up that morning feeling draggy.  Bennett and I got to the place to meet up with the run group and I still felt draggy.  We started running and both of us quickly decided this was not our day.  My legs felt heavy from the first steps through to the end of the run.  We ran slowly; we tried speeding up a bit.  We took a walk break.  It wasn’t that the run was hard, but it was hard to get through.  Several times I wanted to say “I’m done” and turn back early, but I wouldn’t let myself.  I jokingly told Bennett that it was like our legs forgot how to run and just flailed around for 10 miles.  It was only in the last half mile that my legs started to work like normal…how ridiculous! I really think I was running stupid that day because Sunday my muscles were sore in atypical places for me. 

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