*Written yesterday morning…
Three days after the marathon and my legs are feeling a lot better. I am still somewhat sore though. This morning I managed a lot of stretching and some quality time with the foam roller which definitely helped. I also did some upper body strength training and some crunches. My legs can definitely wait a bit longer before doing any resistance training.
Monday my legs were very sore and stiff, but oddly, I think they were in a bit better shape than the day after my first marathon. Even Bennett mentioned that I seemed to be doing better. I find this really strange since running Gettysburg was sooo much harder than running MCM. I had a fabulous massage at Spa on the Hill Monday night, and that was a huge help in loosening up my legs!
I have a few spots that are still sorer than the rest of my legs, including my outer left foot, outer left calf, and outer right quad. I’m thinking these are just places that got extra overused for whatever reason. Hopefully by tomorrow everything will be feeling better, and I can try a short easy run.
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