Saturday, July 9, 2011

7 miler

This morning was my first run with my training partners Max and Megan.  This has been a run for which I was both nervously and excitedly waiting.  I’ve never run with anyone I wasn’t very comfortable with long before we ever ran together.  If this 7 mile run was any indication of the rest of training, things will be great! 
Max is who had originally responded to my email saying he would be willing to be my guide and his girlfriend would be training with us.  Both Max and Megan took turns guide running today, and they both seemed to be natural guide runners.  It’s nice to have two chill and nice running partners, and to know that in some ways I have a backup running guide. 
We ran on the W&OD trail, a wide nice paved trail in northern VA.  The 7 miles felt great even through the end!  Building such a solid 6 mile base paid off.  I haven’t run more than 6 miles since the half marathon over a year ago.  It was nice to get to know my running buddies throughout our runs since we will be spending every Saturday morning together for the next 4 months.
In other news, Bennett and I were very bad yesterday.  While running errands after work, we thought it would be a great idea to try on the 5 finger toe shoes.  Well, we tried on several different pairs, and I tried on a few other brands of minimalist shoes, and in the end, Bennett walked out wearing his new finger/toe shoes.  I had to order my since they were out of my size.  Very bad us!  It’s not like I can even try running in them till after marathon training is over, but I can walk around in them…

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