Thursday, July 7, 2011


Although I know that getting in my run before work will make me feel great, accomplished, on top of my day…getting up and out of bed is always a struggle.  Some days I win the struggle and others I lose.  At least when I fail to get up and run I can always redeem myself and run after work, but I know that I still will have failed at following the schedule that makes me feel best.
The hardest part is those first 5 minutes, getting up and staying up long enough to get in my running clothes and get out of the bedroom.  If I can master those few minutes I will start to feel good and be glad I am up heading out for a run.  So since I know this, why can’t I just get my butt up and out of bed?  Well, I’m not a very early morning person, and getting a run in before work means getting up at 5:30am.  There are so many reasons to sleep another hour that sound great at 5:30am!  The fully awake me has great rebuttals to those reasons, but the half asleep me sometimes can’t remember them. 
1.       I’m still tired
…well go to bed earlier then.  Nothing I am doing in the evening is so important I can’t do it the next day.
2.       Bennett turned off the alarm before I even registered it
…Well this one I can’t control too much, but I could set a second alarm on my phone that I have to turn off.
3.       I don’t have clean socks
…Well, I am an adult, and I do own a washer and dryer…Do some laundry or buy more running socks!
4.       It’s too humid
…Well DC in the summer this could be valid except there’s nothing keeping me from running on our treadmill in the air-conditioning.  Plus I broke down and got an inhaler from the doctor so I can use it and not wheeze in the humidity.
5.       My legs are sore
…Well I’m training for a marathon, and I’m going to have to run on sore legs.  I might as well get use to it.
6.       I’m tooooo tired
…Yes this gets on the list twice.  Remember the 5 minute rule.  I will start feeling better and less tired if I can just drag myself out of bed and out the door.  Plus I’m always “too tired” on a work day morning even when sleeping that extra hour.

And the reasons could go on and on.  So yes, yesterday and today I did not get up and run before work although I did run yesterday and today.  At least Wednesday I had a new and creative reason for being tired.  Some teenagers were setting off fireworks Tuesday evening (and Monday evening) till around midnight and I could not fall asleep!

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