Friday, March 16, 2012

44 mile week...

I meant to write a post at the beginning of the week, but with one thing and another that never happened.

Last week I had an all time weekly mileage high of 44 miles! I was very happy how well I got through all of the miles considering that I lost my Sunday rest day the previous weekend. I managed to get in a nice slow but long hill climb of 6 miles during a 9 mile treadmill run and a faster than was wise 18 mile long run as my not easy runs of the week.

An 18 mile run in 2:55:30 was definitely not intentional. So much for the idea that an 8 mile run the day before would keep me from running too fast. Megan and I kept trying to slow down, but then clearly kept speeding back up. I probably should have run that at least 30 seconds per mile slower if not more. It felt good though almost the whole way, but this week I could feel that fast run and the 44 mile week in my legs!

If I’m remembering correctly from MCM training, it was the week after my 18 mile long run that I really started to feel the miles more than just the next day. So, I guess it makes sense that the same thing would happen around that point. Last time, it was an 18 mile run at probably a 10:30 pace and a 36 mile week though. That’s a big difference from this time around.

This week I’ve been feeling tired and bleh when running. Part of that earlier in the week were tired legs, part is day light savings time messing up my body’s schedule, and part was work stress related. Tomorrow is the DC Rock & Roll Half Marathon though. There’s nothing like a race to get me moving. I’m jealous of everyone getting to run the full though. I wish I had the ability to run the races I want without having to put in so much coordinating effort.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the big mileage week - good luck at the Rock & Roll half tomorrow. I totally know the feeling of being jealous of the full marathoners. You might not be quite so jealous when you think of that mile-20 pain though. :)
