Thursday, May 9, 2013

Running with a baby in the house

Running these days is such an interesting challenge.  First there’s the exhaustion to overcome. I’ve never done well with less than adequate amounts of sleep, and finally the weeks of being woken up every hour or two is starting to show.  It’s a good thing I’ve trained myself to run when I’m tired from all the morning running during marathon training because I’ve definitely been relying on that mental push to get myself going.  Of course once I’m running it feels great.
Then there’s the trickiness of timing.  I have to balance when I’ve last eaten with when Ian has last eaten and is likely to sleep or play with my mom long enough for me to get in a run.  This is not an easy thing to manage because Ian isn’t on any sort of eating or sleeping schedule.  Sometimes he’ll eat, fall asleep, and it looks like a good time to run, but I’ll be really hungry or full.  Then by the time I am ready to run, Ian is ready to eat again. 
Right now I am just trying to regain fitness and build up miles so interruptions and changing my runs around are not as big of a deal.  Hopefully when I start getting more serious about training, Ian will have settled more into a schedule I can work around. 

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