Sunday, January 22, 2012

Winter Running

Written Tuesday

I have become one of those people I always thought were crazy running outside in extreme weather.  This summer I forced myself to run in 80% humidity 90 degree weather because I had to train.  Yet again marathon training has me pushing the weather I ever thought I’d run in.  

Saturday morning we set out for our 10 mile run in 27 degree weather.  By the end of the run, it had warmed up a whole 3 degrees to be 30 degrees out.  It was sunny and not windy, which definitely makes a huge difference, but we were definitely dodging ice in a few places.  I was very very happy for thermal running tights and shirt along with my other layers, hat, and gloves.  Yay for technical wicking materials! 

Chocolate milk has made a comeback in our fridge.  This is my recovery drink of choice, but during the past few months of light running, I really couldn’t justify the need for it.  Now that I am back in training shape, the chocolate milk is back!  I’d almost forgotten just how yummy it is!

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